Job ticket

Employees of the University of Jena have the option to purchase discounted annual season tickets for specific routes (allowing them to save up to 7,5 %) from Deutsche BahnExternal link. You can buy an annual ticket for which you either make a one-off payment or pay in monthly instalments. Monthly tickets are not available as job tickets. Please note that the VMT-Jobticket is no longer available since 01.01.2024.

Should you decide to purchase a job ticket, you will find the relevant forms in HanFRIED de. Please send us the signed forms through our ticketing systemExternal link.

Since the season ticket is based on an employment relationship, you must return it at the end of your employment at the University. In the event of termination before the end of the minimum contract period of four months, you will be charged for monthly tickets at the normal price for the period of use.