Workshop participants
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)LIGHT Workshops
The workshops should be open and beneficial for a larger group of participants of the LIGHT profile and not just of interest to a working group or a single coordinated research program that has already been funded.
Funding amount: up to 3,500 € per workshop.
Discussions among conference participants
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)LIGHT Young Generation
The aim is to support scientific networking events that are organized independently by young scientists (independent of the existing coordinated programs).
Funding amount: up to 5,000 € per event and, in particular, help with the organization.
Light installation at Ernst-Abbe-Platz in Jena
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)LIGHT Conference
The organization of a major annual event in form of an international symposium addressing central topics of the LIGHT profile is to be supported. The event is to be held as a Jena LIGHT Conference and can address different key topics each year, e.g. photonics, energy, materials, information.
It is intended to link the Jena LIGHT Conference in terms of content and organization with larger events of current collaborative projects (e.g. CRCs, RTGs, IRTGs, FORs), which are to be organized by LIGHT researchers anyway (a completely new and independent event does not necessarily have to be created). Rather, the regular LIGHT event is intended to increase the visibility of the individual events and thus of Jena as the City of LIGHT. The Jena LIGHT Conference should also be open to interested participants outside the directly involved consortia of the respective collaborative project.
The annual topic for the Jena LIGHT Conference should be chosen broadly enough to appeal to a larger group of participants in the LIGHT profile. In addition, there is also the option of collocating smaller, topic-focused meetings, e.g. to support the application process for new coordinated funding programs. Thus young researchers are given the opportunity to organize their first conference sessions on their research topics.
Funding amount: up to 20,000 € for one event per year.
Information: Using the funds for catering costs is under reserve (and still being clarified).