financial means


financial means
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Financing Your Startup Idea

A solid financing plan is the foundation for a successful startup. But what options are available to fund your venture? From grant programs and scholarships to loans and private investors, the possibilities are diverse yet often challenging to navigate. The K1 Founders Service at the University of Jena is here to advise you. We help you develop a suitable financing strategy, provide information about funding opportunities, and assist you in applying for financial support. Together, we pave the way for the financial realization of your business idea.

Step" Seed Funding with the "Next Step" Programme

With Next Step, Friedrich Schiller University Jena supports innovative ideas that demonstrate significant practical value. This can apply to a device, object, digital tool, software, technology, service, socially relevant concept, offering, or any other approach that provides tangible benefits.

  • Your Idea

    As part of your studies, doctorate or later research work, you have developed an idea or produced research results that show a high practical benefit. Now you are thinking:

    • How can you put it into practice?
    • How viable the idea is and what the next step towards realisation could be?

    Do you lack the resources to take this next step?
    Then send us a brief application for your idea and take the next step with our support.

  • Advantages of "Next Step"

    If your application is successful, you will receive:

    • a comprehensive support package tailored to the project, including your own budget
    • flexible funding without a time-consuming application procedure and reporting system
    • fast and unbureaucratic facilitation of the next steps, e.g. to explore potential and feasibility in preparation for further fundraising

    All applicants receive feedback on their idea regardless of the success of their application and - if desired - support in improving the concept and formulating further objectives.

  • Support services from "Next Step"

    Convincing projects receive an individually compiled support package from our extensive range of offers:

    • Up to 2,500 EURO budget e.g. for materials, equipment, orders, travel and, if necessary, auxiliary staff contracts.
    • Free use of an office with up to three workstations as well as the infrastructure of the K1-Startup Service
    • Intensive individual consulting and coaching for the further development of the concept, for the implementation of the next steps, for questions of intellectual property rights (e.g. patents), for further acquisition of funds
    • Networking with other supporters within and outside the University of Jena as well as in the search for team members.

    Scientists, doctoral candidates, students and graduates of the University of Jena who want to implement their idea or clarify the possibilities of feasibility can apply individually or in a team.

  • Your application
    1. Send us a two- to three-page description of your idea by e-mail (see contact below). You can find an outline with key questions herepdf, 144 kb · de. You are also welcome to discuss your idea or questions about the application with us in advance.
    2. You will receive initial feedback within two weeks and, maybe, an invitation to a meeting in person.
    3. During the meeting, we will clarify further questions and discuss with you how possible funding can be provided.
    4. If your idea meets the selection criteria, you will receive a binding commitment within a few days and can start realising it.

    Outline of the short application with key questionspdf, 144 kb · de

Moritz on his experience with the counselling and support services offered by the K1-Startup Service

K1-Startup Service

Video: University of Jena

EFIE - Empowering Females for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

As part of the EXIST-Women funding programme of the Federal Ministry of Economics, the University of Jena has designed the scholarship programme EFIE - Empowering Females for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, which supports women interested in founding a company in the development of their entrepreneurial personality and the (further) development of their start-up idea.

Further information on the programme can be found here. de

Contact persons 

  1. Piontek, Matthias Founding Services | Founding Consulting | Coordination of the Thuringian University Startup Network (StarTH) SZ Forschung u. Transfer
    Matthias Piontek
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  2. Schindek, Ralf Founding Services | Founding Consulting SZ Forschung u. Transfer

    Kahlaische Straße 1
    07745 Jena