Online course
We would like to draw your attention to the online programmes of our partner institution|cooperation partner AOK. These programmes are free of charge for all interested parties. Membership of the AOK is not required. To take part in the courses, all you need to do is register!
Self-learning tools are offered on the following two topics:
Healthy leadership
- The AOK programme "Healthy Leadership" comprises six learning modules. It supports managers in reflecting on and improving their leadership behaviour, strengthening their own health and keeping employees healthy and productive.
Stress under control
- The AOK programme "Stress under control" lasts four weeks. It analyses to what extent and why you get stressed in certain situations or under certain requirements. It helps you to experience more serenity and incorporate this into your everyday life.
(Note: This is an exemplary list of tenders that will help you to organise your everyday working life in order to get through challenging weeks. The Friedrich Schiller University Jena is not promoting any institutions mentioned or not mentioned).