Experimental Physics II
Topic: ‘Charge, Electric Field and Potential’ from the lecture ‘Experimental Physics II | Lecturer: Prof. Dr Dr h. c. Gerhard G. Paulus, Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics
For further lectures in experimental physics, see here.External link
Topic: ‘Curious—Weightless? What you Weigh inside the Hollow Earth’ from the basic course ‘Experimental Physics II’ | Lecturer: Dr Silvio Fuchs, Professorship of Non-Linear Optics
For further practical courses in experimental physics, see here.External link
Perspectives of Constituent Analysis
Lecture from the seminar ‘Basics of German Grammar’ (compulsory for students of German Studies, German Linguistics, and German in teacher training programmes) | Self-production, courtesy of Dr Stefan Lotze, Institute of German Linguistics
Introduction to Sociological Theory
Topic: ‘Sociological Theory’ | Lecturer: Prof. Dr Hartmut Rosa, Institute of Sociology
International Organizations
Topic: ‘Global Health and Health Security: the WHO’ from the lecture ‘International Organizations: Theoretical and Empirical Basics’ | Lecturer: Juniorprof. Dr Christian Kreuder-Sonnen, Institute of Political Science
Search for scientific literature
Topic: »Search for scientific literature« | Lecturer: Dr. rer. nat. Ina Weiß, Faculty of Biological Sciences