Information for your arrival at the House for Young Researchers can be found herepdf, 1 mb. If you need a city map, you can find it herejpg, 325 kb · de.
We can reserve a hotel room for you at our university rate (e.g. Hotel EulensteinExternal link). The hotels are located in the centre of Jena. To the Graduate Academy it is only a 5-minute walk. The train stations are approximately 10-15 minutes away (by foot).
Travelling Costs
Hotel- and travelling costs can be reimbursed as a lump sum in the fee contract, according to the Thuringian law (Thüringer Reisekostengesetzes, in German only). For example, 2nd class travels are reimbursed only, travelling by car is reimbursed with 15 Cents / km, taxis and meals cannot be reimbursed.
Premises and (technical) equipment
The seminar room in the House for Young Researchers (Auditorium) provides room for up to 80 participants. It is equiped with a laptop, a beamer, a flipchart, notice boards, a facilitator's toolcase (including markers, colored cards, pins, etc.), and a standing desk. Power outlets are provided. Overhead projectors, TV-monitors, a CD player, a microphone, etc. can be provided upon request.
Please note that the seminar room may be used for lectures and colloquia in the evenings. Therefore, we ask you to tidy the room and take along your personal belongings, even if the course continues the next day.
If you wish to photocopy material before the seminar, you are welcome to make use of our photocopying machine.
Each seminar is evaluated. We will send you the report, so that you have a feedback about your seminar. We would like to ask you to inform the participants about the evaluation, to provide the link to the online evaluation and to underline the importance of their participation both for you and for us.
Participants receive a certificate upon participation by email. Participants who were absent for more than 20% of the time don't receive a certificate.
Additionally, participants receive a supplement to the certificate with information about the course topics. We will approach you in this regard in due time, as we need your support for generating the master supplement for your course.
Useful telephone numbers
Graduate-Academy: 03641-9401316
Emergency Number (in case if you're locked up or having technical problems): 03641/9419999
Taxis: 03641/458888 or 03641/443744