Students in conversation

'Student Survey in Germany' (SiD)

Survey on study conditions at German universities
Students in conversation
Image: Sebastian Reuter

'The Student Survey in Germany' is the most comprehensive survey of all students in Germany to date. More than one million students at 250 universities in Germany are invited to take part in the survey in the summer semester of 2021.

More than 1,500 students at the University of Jena have already participated by the end of August 2021. The publication as well as the special evaluations are available for download here de 

Survey on study situation at German universities​

'Student Survey in Germany' (“Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland SiD”) aims at achieving a representative description of the situation of all students in Germany. This is an opportunity for you to help improve the situation of all students by sharing your personal educational history.

Important questions at a glance

  • What is the survey about?

    "The Student Survey in Germany" is a nationwide survey on study conditions at German universities that will be conducted every four years, starting in in the summer semester 2021.

    This study aims at achieving a representative description of the situation of all students in Germany. This includes particularly the

    • social and economic situation of students
    • different educational, career, and life paths
    • various attitudes, interests, life situations
    • challenges you encounter during your studies (such as studying with kids, mental health and health impairment, diversity and gender aspects).

    The University of Jena is participating in this student survey. More than one million students throughout Germany are invited.

  • Who conducts the survey?

    The German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)External link conducts the survey in a project with the AG Hochschulforschung at the University of KonstanzExternal link and the German Studentenwerk (DSW)External link. The invitations to the survey are sent to the students by the participating universities.

    Please find detailed information on the survey online www.die-studierendenbefragung.deExternal link

  • Why is my participation in the survey important?

    The "Student Survey in Germany" is a newly designed nationwide representative student survey to obtain a realistic picture of the situation of students in Germany:

    • How much money do students need for their living expenses? BAföG could be adjusted accordingly or support programmes be set up.
    • What kind of challenges do students encounter during their studies? Students with children, impairments or with a migration background can they be supported in a targeted manner.
    • What are the reasons students do not continue their studies and consider dropping out? This helps to improve our assistance and support services.
    • What are the general study conditions?  This is an opportunity to improve the situation of all students by sharing your personal educational history.

    The survey provides an important basis for national and international education reporting. You can help policy makers, scientists, and higher education institutes to uncover problems students encounter in everyday-life and how improvement can be implemented.

  • How can I join the survey?

    You will receive an e-mail with an access link and password for the online survey. The access-password is randomly allocated. This process makes sure that there are no conclusions possible as to your identity.

    The e-mails are sent via the Student Service Centre de of the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena. The questionnaire is available in German and English.

  • How long does it take to complete the questionnaire?

    It takes about 34 minutes to complete the questionnaire. We try to do justice to the situation of all student groups, therefore the survey duration varies. Most students will finish the questionnaire in 30 minutes, others may need up to 40 minutes. You may also save the results and continue later.

  • Where do I find the survey results?

    Brief summaries of our university's results as well as the detailed results will be published here after the survey is finished.

  • What happens with my data?

    The survey data will be analysed anonymously by researchers of the German Centre for Higher Education and Science Research (DZHW), the AG Hochschulforschung at the University of Konstanz and the scientific community. All applicable data protection regulations are strictly adhered to so that no conclusions can be drawn as to individual response behaviour. In addition to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO), the data protection regulations, which have been co-developed by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute e. V. (ASI), are followed.


Survey coordinator
Claudia Hüttner
Division 1
Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link
Martin Fuchs
Data Protection Officer
German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)
Lange Laube 12
30159 Hannover Google Maps site planExternal link