Material and travel expenses

ProChance and IMPULSE –​ internal funding schemes for doctoral candidates and postdocs at the University of Jena


ProChance and IMPULSE

The Friedrich Schiller University offers funding opportunities to its young researchers and academics.

Doctoral researchers and postdocs have access to the scientific exchange programme ProChance exchange  and the conference support programme IMPULSE conferences. Applications for both programmes can be submitted on an ongoing basis.

Once a year, the University of Jena supports its early and advanced postdocs gaining their own third-party funds IMPULSE project or to improve their employability ProChance career .

The ProChance programmes promotes equal opportunities in academia and for this reason only addresses female doctoral and postdoctoral students.

Please find further informations in the programme announcements below.

The University supports preparation of proposals for Coordinated Programmes of the German Research Foundation (DFG) by its  pool of vacancies for promoting research de.


Please find more information on scholarships, material and travel cost support as well as mentoring programmes for doctoral candidates and postdocs here.External link

Your are looking for opprtunities to raise your own third party funding? Please find information for doctoral students and postdocs on our third party funding portalExternal link.

Not found the right thing?

Do you have questions about the ProChance or IMPULSE programmes? Please contact Dr Juliane Heimann in the  Office of the Vice President for ResearchExternal link.

The Graduate Academy of Friedrich Schiller University offers career advice for postdocs.

Would you like personal advice on rainsing third party funds? Please directly contact the staff of the Service Centre for Research and Transfer.