ProChance - career
The Friedrich Schiller University is committed to the objective of equal opportunitues for women and men in science and therefore we will support scientific activities and qualification of female researchers.
Our funding scheme ProChancecareer promotes our outstanding female researchers on their way
to a professorship. The University provide funds which shall promote and improve the further de-
velopment of the scientific profile and the chance to be appointed as professor. To promote the
scientific independence is the main focus of this programme. Funds may be requested for: carry-
ing out research projects, conducting conferences, mobility (e. g. research stay abroad), to prepare
for third-party funding or for a research leave. It is also possible to apply for family allowances for
scholarships already granted. The strategic focus of projects for which funding is requested must
be convincingly demonstrated and justified in the application.
Please apply if you are a fix-term employed female researcher, a female leader of a working group,
or a female junior professor. Your dissertation was at least two years ago. You must be adequately
involved in university teaching.
Please note: The postdoc‘s immediate superiors must confirm that the applicant will be employed at University for the entire period of financial support. Intramural double funding at the university hospital / University Jena is excluded.
Financial Support
You may apply to cover staff cost (e. g. teaching associates, student assistants) and material and
travel expenses of up to € 40,000. The duration of the programme is limited to 2 years.
Project Selection
The decision will be based on independent reviews. In addition to an assessment of individual
requirements, the quality of the work plan will be of decisive relevance. The assessment will take
the applicant’s career age into account. While the integration of the project in the faculty’s or uni-
versity’s scientific focus is desirable, but it’s not a prerequisite.
ProChance-career programme is advertised annually on March, 1st. Applications may be submitted until April, 5th of the respective year.
Please submitt your application via the online application portal: link