As an applicant and, if applicable, future project leader, you must first register in the DAAD portal. The entire application process as well as the project implementation with the DAAD will be handled through this portal. Please register here: https://portal.daad.de/irj/portal DEExternal link
You will need to complete and submit the following documents via the DAAD portal:
Project application
This must contain the intended project results with a time schedule and specifically identify the responsibilities and project partners.
Financing plan
Calculate the income and expenditure as well as the amount of funding requested from the DAAD. If applicable, please note the DAAD's flat-rate funding rates stated in the call for proposals. For personnel costs, please contact the Division for Human Resources / SFT in advance. Check the maximum amount per application and funding year that can be applied for and fill out your budget exactly according to the DAAD guidelines (funding rates, etc.). The individual cost items (e.g. personnel costs, material costs, stipends, fees, travel costs, etc.) have to be planned and described in detail.
In the case of international research cooperations, you must submit the relevant cooperation agreements. If you do not have them available at your institute/department, please contact the International Office.
If possible, use DAAD webinars or preparatory seminars to prepare your application.
Application deadline
Applications must be submitted to the DAAD online portal and uploaded by the applicant by the deadline. Please pay attention to the exact application deadlines and application requirements of each call for proposals, as these vary considerably depending on the target region and format.
Your contact person:
International Office: Stefanie Waterstradt: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/IB_Drittmittelkquise
Project implementation
Grant agreement
You will obtain all DAAD documents from the DAAD Portal. This is also where you will receive the grant agreement. DAAD grant agreements are signed exclusively by the University management, or, if necessary by the International Office on its behalf.
Signature: Please send the grant agreement including the financing plan and the cover letter from the DAAD to: sekretariat-ib@uni-jena.de.
Final contract: Once the University of Jena has signed the contract, the International Office will forward it to the DAAD, which will countersign it. You will then receive the final grant agreement for your records.
Your contact person: International Office: Michael Schröder-Oehrling michael.schroeder-oehrling@uni-jena.de
Registration in the FACTScience research project database
In addition, the SFT will record your project data in the FACTScience research project database. Within the framework of ‘Transparency in Science and TeachingExternal link’, to which the University of Jena has committed itself together with all Thuringian higher education institutions and Jena University Hospital, selected project details appear in an annually updated report presenting ongoing externally funded research projects to the general public.
Activities for the transfer of results can already be relevant during project implementation.
Third-party funding account
Please contact the Staff Unit External FundingExternal link DE in the Division for Finances and Purchasing to set up a third-party funding account for project administration (posting and mapping of income and expenses). They will provide you with regular financial overviews of your externally funded projects, prepare the necessary proofs of use and will be happy to answer any questions you may have about project management. Once the cost unit has been set up by the Division and the corresponding document granting authority to issue orders and certify the accuracy of facts and accounts ('Anordnungs- und Feststellungsbefugnis') has been issued by the institution, you will receive access to the SuperX booking system.
Recruitment of staff
For the recruitment of staff financed by third-party funds, please refer to the contact person(s) in the Division for Human Resources, Staff Unit Externally Funded Employees DE de with the relevant recruitment documents for academic staff. As recruitment procedures can take four to six weeks, please remember to plan the recruitment of externally funded staff with the Division for Human Resources well in advance.
Business trips
The regulations of the Thuringian Travel Expenses Act (Thüringer Reisekostengesetz) apply to all business trips / training within the framework of DAAD projects. Applications and settlements for business trips must always be made via the University’s travel portal QISRKA DE de.
Requisitioning of funding
Requests for funding are submitted exclusively via the DAAD portal. As project leader, you can appoint a project assistant for staff at the institute for this purpose. Only those partial amounts may be requested that are due and will be spent within the specified period of use, usually 6 weeks. It is recommended that funds requested quarterly—at the end of each quarter—retroactively for the previous quarter. During this time, your cost unit may be debited, which will be compensated with the next request for funding. If you have any questions, please refer to your contact person(s) in the Staff Unit External FundingExternal link DE in the Division for Finances and Purchasing or the DAAD (notification to the DAAD via the portal). The DAAD retains the right to charge interest if funds are not used on time.
Proof of use
Please note that the applicant named is also responsible for submitting a final statement of use of funds via the DAAD portal and for preparing a final report on the use of funds via the portal. Before submission via the DAAD portal, the Internal Audit Office will check the financial statement of use. Your contact person(s) in the Staff Unit External FundingExternal link DE in the Division for Finances and Purchasing will support you in the preparation of the report.
As a rule, the deadline for submission to the DAAD Portal is two months after the end of the project or the financial year (28 February of the following year). Please refer to the regulations in your grant agreement.