Auf schwarzem Grund leuchten vier Glühbirnen, deren Drähte jeweils eines der Worte "help, support, assistance, guidance" formen

Other contact points

Overview of contact points for people seeking help with gender equality issues
Auf schwarzem Grund leuchten vier Glühbirnen, deren Drähte jeweils eines der Worte "help, support, assistance, guidance" formen
Image: Bilddatenbank iStock

Advice and support services within and outside the university

Are you at a loss?

Both at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, as well as in Jena and the surrounding area, you will find contact and counselling centres for various situations that can provide you with advice and help. Below you will find a list of various institutions that deal with gender equality issues, including, for example, services for families, meeting centres, advice centres for discrimination situations or help with sexual harassment or domestic violence.

We make no claim to completeness.

The staff at the Equal Opportunities Office will also be pleased to help you find suitable contacts for your concerns.

Buntstifte in verschiedenen Farben, die in einen Kreis gelegt sind
Buntstifte in verschiedenen Farben, die in einen Kreis gelegt sind
Image: Bilddatenbank Pixabay

Counselling and networking services for LGBTQI+ students

Within the University:

Equal Opportunities Office: see employee contact point for counselling services, see also our anonymous reporting form de 

Diversity Office: see employee contact point for counselling services 

Student Council Department "Queer-Paradies": websiteExternal link 

Outside the University:

Trans*Aid Thuringia/Jena: website External link

Association Trans-Inter-Active Central Germany: website External link

Queer Centre Erfurt: website External link


Within Friedrich Schiller University Jena, we work closely with the Equal Opportunities Division at the Vice President for Young Academics and Equal Opportunities and the Graduate Academy. Another important cooperation partner for us is the Thuringian Competence Network for Gender Equality (TKG), whose office is located at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Since many issues affecting women at university cannot be resolved at the university level alone, cooperation with higher-level bodies such as the Federal Conference of Equal Opportunities Officers (bukof) and the State Conference (LaKoG) of German universities is a key aspect of our work. We also maintain good contact with the respective equal opportunities officers at Ernst Abbe University, the city of Jena and the Thuringian state government.

Unfortunately, some websites are only available in German. For reasons of completeness, those are still linked here. 

  • Logo FSU Jena
    VP Young Researchers, Equal Opportunities
  • Thüringer Kompetenznetzwerk Gleichstellung - Logo
    Thüringer Kompetenznetzwerk Gleichstellung
  • GraduiertenAkademie - Logo
    Graduate Academy
  • Bukof - Logo
    Bundeskonferenz bukof
  • LaKoG - Logo
    Landeskonferenz LaKoG
  • Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Logo
    Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena
  • Jena Lichtstadt - Logo
    City of Jena
  • Freistaat Thüringen Wappen
    Thüringer Landesregierung