Senate Committee for Research

Subcommittee of the university senate

The Senate Committee for Research (Research Committee) is responsible in particular for preparing resolutions that concern fundamental matters of research and young academics that go beyond the scope of a faculty. These include the establishment and evaluation of research foci (profile lines) of the FSU, participation in the staffing of the profile line coordination teams, the application for Collaborative Research Centres and Research Training Groups at the DFG, the allocation of positions for the preparation of coordinated projects (pool positions), the determination of the supervisory authority of junior research group leaders as well as the organisation of research data management at the FSU. In addition, it proposes to the Senate the award winners for the FSU's doctoral and habilitation prizes. The Research Committee also functions as the Permanent Tenure-Track Commission and forms the Commission for Security-Relevant Research from among its members.

You can find the current members of the research committee on the German website de.