There are regulations for many steps that you may come across in the course of your studies. Find out more about whether you may benefit from part-time studies, whether and when you can take a leave of absence or who can help you if you lose your student identity card. On these pages, we answer to these and many other questions.
If you are enrolled at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and want to continue with your studies in the next semester, you have to re-register early enough. The re-registration is possible from mid-June for the following winter semester and from mid-January for the following summer semester, respectively.
Semester fee
The semester fee is not a tuition fee. It is a total that every student has to pay for specific services to be received. For example, the semester fee includes your ticket for the public transport.
Thoska / Student identity card
Thoska is your student identity card and your ticket for using the public transport, your copying and printing card, your culture ticket, it is a key for rooms and lockers, and also your wallet for canteen meals and washing machines in the halls of residence, all at the same time.
Leave of absence
There are situations in life in which you may be unable or not want to study. A leave of absence from your studies may then be a reasonable option. As a general rule of thumb, you must be absent from your studies for at least 6 weeks of the lecture period to apply for a leave of absence.
Change of study programme
Sometimes you have to change your course a few times until everything is OK. Should it be a new topic? Or would you prefer to study the same topic but complete a different course instead? A change of study programme can then be the right decision.
Change of university
You may change universities in both directions—from another location to Jena, and from Jena to another university. Often, your academic achievements can be taken into account if you continue with your studies at a different location.
Termination of enrolment
The process to start a study programme is sometimes also called “matriculation”. The opposite of this procedure is the termination of enrolment. If the study programme is complete or if you would like to continue studying at another institution of higher education, you must terminate your enrolment at our university first.
Part-time studies
It is possible in many, but not all fields of study within Friedrich Schiller University Jena to take part in part-time studies. Changing over to part-time studies is also possible mid-course if the subject permits it.
Long-term study fees
Long-term study fees become due if students have exceeded a specific number of semesters. In this case, it does not matter about the specialization. The decisive factor is the total time spent at German institutions of higher education.
Registration for parallel studies at our university
Upon formal request, students who are enrolled at another institution of higher education can also be enrolled at our university. They can then attend individual courses and examinations. Co-operative study programmes are also available which contain ranges of courses offered from several institutions of higher education.
Visiting student who is a full-time student elsewhere
Those who attend full study units at our university but are otherwise enrolled at another institution of higher education are classified as visiting students. The studies generally cover a whole subject, for example in teacher training.
Second undergraduate study programme
As the name suggests, a second undergraduate study programme is a second course of study. This can either be a related subject or a dream study programme you have always wanted to do after graduation.
Studying within a network of universities
In July 1995, the universities of Halle, Leipzig, and Jena signed an agreement giving their students the ability to tailor their studies to their interests. Since then, a regular student exchange has taken place between the three central institutions of higher education in Central Germany.
Friedolin is the online student management system at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. You can create your schedule here, sign in for courses and examinations, see module catalogues or print a transcript of records.
Examinations have always been part of a successful studies. They have various forms: oral examinations with an examiner and assessor are an option alongside written examinations, homework, internship reports, seminar records, or practical performances, e.g. in sport.
University Main Building, Room E065
Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena
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Opening hours:
Mondays (10:00 – 12:00)
Tuesdays (13:00 – 15:00)
Wednesdays (10:00 – 12:00)
Thursdays (13:00 – 15:00)
Fridays (10:00 – 12:00)
You can also use our remote help desk at
or send us your enquiries by post.
Telephone hours:
Mondays to Fridays
(9:00 – 11:00)
Postal address:
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
07737 Jena