Events 2023
pro familia dialogue event at the project location Thuringia - Counselling FOR ALL - Focus on the needs of trans*, inter* and non-binary persons
October 17th from 9am to 4pm
The right to sexual self-determination includes the right to non-discriminatory professional counselling and needs-based psychosocial care for trans, inter and non-binary persons (tin). At the same time, tin people experience various forms of discrimination on a daily basis. Awareness of the needs of tin people is not a standard part of educational and psychosocial training. Heteronormative ideas prevail in this field of work as well. The psychosocial care landscape is called upon to address the reproduction of discrimination in its own work and to develop discrimination-sensitive concepts. After all: The right to professional counselling is a right FOR EVERYONE!
- What barriers exist that hinder the realisation of the sexual and reproductive rights of tin persons?
- What extent do counselling services contribute to this?
We want to shed light on these questions with lectures and workshops and jointly develop ways towards gender-sensitive psychosocial care FOR ALL. The event will take place in cooperation with TIAM e.V..
Registration is requested via the following formExternal link. The number of participants is limited to 60. If you have any questions, please write a message to: karin.kretschmer@profamilia.de.
You may find further information in the flyerExternal link.
Diversity Days
Event series from the 17th of May until the 25th of May
In May of each year, the Diversity Week takes place under the direction of the Diversity Office at the University of Jena. Here you will find a variety of workshops, lectures and other interactive educational events concerning the topic of diversity and the representation of diverse lifestyles within the university context. The Equality Office is equally involved in the Diversity Week and organizes an event on the 25th of May (see below).
Interested parties are invited to listen to a contribution (in German) by Campus Radio Jena on the Diversity Days 2023 via the following linkExternal link.
Detailed information on this series of events can be found here de.
Lecture on Gender-Sensitive Language
on Wednesday, the 17th of May
An awareness lecture on the possibilities of gender-inclusive language. We all know the abbreviation "m/f/d" from job advertisements, which is an attempt to address all genders. The lecture introduces which groups of people can be referred to with the help of the "d" and shows possibilities of gender-sensitive everyday language and addressing. Moreover, the topic of "(in)visibility" will be brought to focus.
Detailed information on this lecture can be found here de.
Location: Haus auf der Mauer
Johannisplatz 26, großer Saal
07743 JenaTime: 17:00 to 18:30
Information booths by the University of Jena and Cooperating Institutions with a Diversity Focus in the Foyer
on Tuesday, the 23rd of May
Wide range of information stands and materials.
Location: Foyer of Campus Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3
Time: 11:00 to 14:00
Lecture "Bullying, Masking and Autistic Burnout"
on Tuesday, the 23rd of May
Autistic people frequently do not have it easy in society. They often experience bullying, try to hide their autism in society ("masking"), and are often affected by a special form of burnout, the autistic burnout, due to the particularly stressful challenges of everyday life. The aim of this lecture is to highlight ways in which autistic people can respond well to these situations. The key element is to learn how to deal with one's own autism in a confident and autonomous way. Furthermore, relatives, friends and caregivers of autistic people will find helpful content in this lecture to effectively support autistic people.
Detailed information on this lecture can be found here de.
Location: Auditorium Zur Rosen
Johannisstraße 13
07743 JenaTime: 18:00 to 20:00
Discrimination (also) a Problem at University - Concepts, Causes and Possibilities for Action
on Wednesday, the 24th of May
Workshop with Steffen Beigang (Institute for Democracy and Civil Society Jena)
Location: seminar room 385, Campus Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3
Time: 12:00 to 16:00
A Reading with Luca Bischoni "When They Pulled the Plug on Me" - Coping with Depression
on Wednesday, the 24th of May
Reading by Luca Bischoni on the subject of depression and the necessity of societal rethinking in dealing with performance and health.
Detailed information on this reading can be found here de.
Location: Haus auf der Mauer
Johannisplatz 26, großer Saal
07743 JenaTime: 17:00 to 19:00
Film Screening and Subsequent Discussion with the Director of the Documentary "Among Men - Gay in the GDR"
on Thursday, the 25th of May
"Being gay was not an issue under socialism. It was a "remnant of decadent bourgeois morality" and would take care of itself, the political establishment thought. Since, unlike in the FRG, the tightening of §175 was revoked in the East after the Second World War, people were initially able to live more or less freely there - they simply didn't talk about it publicly. In this documentary, six men talk about how they lived and loved as gays in the GDR - and they are by no means always in agreement. "Among Men" recounts individuality in a uniform system." (Source: Unter Männern – Schwul in der DDR / SalzgeberExternal link).
The screening of the film will be followed by a discussion with co-writer and director Ringo Rösener, moderated by sociologist Dr. Mike Laufenberg. A number of 40 discounted tickets are available via pre-registration at gleichstellung@uni-jena.de for the price of 4€. An additional number of regular tickets at the price of 8€ are available via the Kino im Schillerhof at the following linkExternal link.
Location: Kino im Schillerhof
Helmboldstraße 1
07749 JenaTime: 18:00 to 20:30
Girls' Day and Boys' Day
on the 27th of April, 2023
The purpose of Girls' Day is to get girls interested in exploring new occupational fields that break away with traditionally female job profiles and offer more diverse opportunities for their professional futures. Students in grades 5 to 10 can gain an insight into a wide range of areas of the professional world and meet professionals in workshops, offices, laboratories and editorial rooms.
More information can be found hereExternal link.
The purpose of Boys' Day is to get boys interested in exploring new occupational fields that break away with traditionally male job profiles and offer more diverse opportunities for their professional futures. Students in grades 5 to 10 can gain an insight into a wide range of areas of the professional world and meet professionals in workshops, offices, laboratories and editorial rooms.
More information can be found hereExternal link.
Source: German Education ServerExternal link
Equal Pay Day and International Women's Day
Announcement from March 2023
Online issue week to mark Equal Pay Day and International Women's Day.
Couples Sociology. A Qualitative and Quantitative Liaison
Announcement from October 2022
Joint Colloquium - AB Qualitative Methods and Micro Sociology & AB Methods of Empirical Social Research and Social Structure Analysis. Lecture series from October 2022 until February 2023.
Challenges in a Mixed Methods Design. A Conversation on Couples Research and the Qualitative and Quantitative Liaison
08.02.2023 - Kathrin Leuze & Sylka Scholz (Jena). Room 384 of Ernst-Abbe-Campus.
More information can be found hereExternal link.
"My Wife still has Paranoia regarding Impoverishment." - Property, Class, and Gender in East and West German Couple Households
25.01.2023 - Robin K. Saalfeld & Aaron Korn (Jena). Room 384 of Ernst-Abbe-Campus.
More information can be found hereExternal link.
Couples and Hospitality. Caring Relationships in Homesharing
11.01.2023 - Henrike Katzer (Jena). Room 384 of Ernst-Abbe-Campus.
More information can be found hereExternal link.
Events 2022
Couples Sociology. A Qualitative and Quantitative Liaison
Announcement from October 2022
Joint Colloquium - AB Qualitative Methods and Micro Sociology & AB Methods of Empirical Social Research and Social Structure Analysis. Lecture series from October 2022 until February 2023.
Agreement on Money Issues? Quantitative Research Findings on Property Inequalities and Couples' Money Management in East and West Germany
07.12.2022 - Agnieszka Althaber & Kathrin Leuze (Jena). Room 384 of Ernst-Abbe-Campus.
More information can be found hereExternal link.
The Impact of Separation and Divorce on Women's and Men's Wealth in Germany: Research Findings from Quantitative Longitudinal Analyses
23.11.2022 - Nicole Kapelle (Berlin). Room 384 of Ernst-Abbe-Campus.
More information can be found hereExternal link.
Couple Dynamics, Conflicts and Power: Methodological Challenges - Theoretical Questions
09.11.2022 - Sarah Speck (Frankfurt). Room 384 of Ernst-Abbe-Campus.
More information can be found hereExternal link.
Mechanical Emergency Communities: Distributional Conflicts and Property Arrangements in Precarious Households
26.10.2022 - Ina Kaufhold & Natalie Grimm (Göttingen). Room 384 of Ernst-Abbe-Campus.
More information can be found hereExternal link.
Feminist Research Methods - Affectual Methodologies & Vignettes
Announcement from May 2022
Workshop of the Association of Feminist Geographies Jena with Dr. Elisabeth Militz. Feminist geographical methodology is interested in the multiple power relations that enable, shape, or prevent research processes and geographical knowledge production. Affective methodologies are grounded in such relations by taking emotional/affective and embodied experiences in research processes as sites of knowledge production.
In this workshop, we will work collaboratively to identify core ideas and concerns of an affective methodology and raise awareness of how affects and emotions influence our research practices and geographic knowledge production. The workshop is primarily aimed at students and staff from the field of geography, but all other interested parties are welcome to attend.
The workshop will be held in German. A lunch break is scheduled from 1pm to 2pm.
Registration is possible until the 31st of Mai via e-mail at akfemgeo@uni-jena.de.
More information can be found hereExternal link.
Lecture Series "Queer Pedagogy"
Announcement from May 2022
On Monday, May 23rd at 6pm, Dr. Maximilian Waldmann will hold a lecture on the topic of "Introduction to Queer and Queer Pedagogy" in Lecture Hall 6 of Ernst-Abbe-Campus.
On Thursday, June 2nd at 6pm, Prof. Dr. Antje Langer will hold a lecture on the topic of "Physicality in Pedagogical Institutions." This event takes place online via Zoom. The Meeting ID is 655 6768 0946 and the Passcode is 12345.
Lecture "Gender Identity and Constitutional Law"
Announcement from January 2022
On Wednesday, January 19th at 6pm, Dr. Dana Valentiner of Helmut Schmidt University of Hamburg will do a presentation on the topic of "Gender Identity and Constitutional Law."
The 2017 decision of the Federal Constitutional Court on the "third option" marks a milestone in the protection of gender identity under constitutional law. In the subsequent reform of the law on civil status, the legislature limited itself to a minimal solution, which brought new constitutional problems with it. The lecture addresses open follow-up questions of the decision, evaluates the current legal situation regarding the correction of the gender entry of trans and intersex persons under civil status law and categorizes demands for further reforms, e.g. for the abolition of the TSG.
More information can be found hereExternal link.
Events 2021
Lecture "Migration within the GDR - Theoretical and Empirical Approaches from an Intersectional Perspective"
Announcement from November 2021
Lecture by PD Dr. Urmila Goel from Berlin
Time and again, people criticize that there is too little research on migration within the GDR. This is partly true. German-language migration research is very focused on perspectives of the west. Therefore, the available research on migration to the GDR is also scarcely acknowledged. In this lecture, I will approach the topic of migration within the GDR in different ways.
Firstly, I will deal with the fading out of migration in the GDR from a theoretical piont of view. Following Connell's theorization of masculinity, I will develop a differentiation between hegemonic, subordinated, and marginalized Germanness and thus consider intersectional entanglements. Secondly, I will reflect on my empirical insights into the topic area and how these interweb with my theoretical considerations.
The lecture takes place on the 23rd of November starting at a quarter past six. You can join either in person at lecture hall four of the Ernst-Abbe Campus or online on Zoom. If you wish to join on Zoom, please request the invite link via the following email address eva.tolasch@uni-jena.de .
More information on the program can be found hereExternal link.
Workshop "Growing your Sex Knowledge"
Announcement from September 2021
Sexuality is wonderfully diverse with its multitude of identities and orientations. People all over the world live out their sexuality differently. In order to be able to understand this diversity and to gain an insight into the great variety of sexuality, the workshop "Growing your Sex Knowledge" takes place on the 25th of September from 10am to 4pm at "Haus auf der Mauer" (Johannisplatz 6, 07743 Jena). Any questions are welcome as we discuss these topics in a respectful atmosphere.
Saskia Tänzer (pronouns: she/her) is an occupational therapist, educationalist and state-approved social pedagogue and will conduct this workshop free of charge.
The workshop is offered to people between the ages of 16 and 26. There are 14 spaces available in the workshop. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, participation is possible only for vaccinated, recovered or tested people who bring along the official documents of proof (3G rule). Furthermore, we ask you to wear a mask for the safety of yourself and others.
Please register at this email address growing.your.sex.knowledge@outlook.de until the 24th of September at the latest.
More information on the workshop can be found herepdf, 600 kb · de.
Round two of the online discussion "Collective Fairness! Implementing the New Mission Statement at the University of Jena"
Announcement from June 2021
Dear members of the university community,
all members of this university community should be able to study, work and research without fear of unjust treatment. This entails that there needs to be a clear procedure on how to stop unjust treatment when it does unfortunately occur. In addition to the consideration of the principle of just and fair interaction in the new mission statement of Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena, concrete measures are currently being developed at the uiversity. Due to technicalities there will be the two following separate documents:
- An anti-discrimination policy outlined by Prof. Cantner (Vice President for Future Researchers and Equal Opportunities) and his office
- A guideline on how to resolve workplace conflicts under careful consideration of German Employment Law outlined by the staff council of Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena
Following the panel discussion on the new mission statement of Friedrich-Schiller University held in German on April 29th, we are pleased to cordially invite you to the second panel discussion taking place on June 24th from 4pm to 5.30pm on Zoom held in English.
Link: https://uni-jena-de.zoom.us/j/65567672654External link , Passcode: Fair
The discussion will be led by journalist, human rights activist and diversity consultant Inge Bell. The following panel members will join the discussion:
- Prof. Uwe Cantner, Vice President for Future Researchers and Diversity Management
- Katrin Glaser, Deputy Chair of the Staff Council
- Dr. Claudia Hillinger, Head of the International Office
- Dr. Gunda Huskobla, Executive Director of the Graduate Academy
- Astha Jain, Member of the Board of Dr.FSU
- Dr. Britta Sahheiser, Head of Student Support in the International Office
We are looking forward to your participation.
Prof. Dr. Bärbel Kracke, Prof. Dr. Anke Hildebrandt (Equal Opportunity Officers) and Prof. Dr. David J. Green (Diversity Officer)
"Diversity Meets Science" award for final theses on gender and diversity-related topics
Call for applications
Announcement from June 2021
In order to make visible topics related to issues of gender and diversity at Thuringian universities and to support young academics researching in these fields, the Thuringian Competence Network for Gender Equality (TKG) initiated the "Diversity Meets Science" award.
The current call for applications is directed at students at Thuringian universities of all programmes and faculties who wrote their final thesis on a topic related to issues of gender and diversity. The condition precedent for participation is that the submission date of the final thesis lies between the first of August 2019 and the present date. The final thesis chosen by the TKG will be awarded 2.000€. The application deadline is the 27th of August of 2021.
More information on the necessary documents and guidelines can be found hereExternal link.
Regarding more specific questions please consult the following email address kontakt@tkg-info.de.
Call for Applications - Rowena Morse Mentoring Program
Announcement from June 2021
The Rowena Morse Mentoring Program (RMMP) for female doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows at the University is currently open for applications for the next round of the program. The application deadline is August 15th of 2021.
An informational event on the RMMP will be held in an online format on June 10th from 4pm until 5.30pm. At this event, the Rowena Morse Mentoring Program will be briefly presented by the Thuringian Competence Network for Gender Equality. Moreover, participants of the current cohort 2020/21 will report on their experiences thus far over the course of their participation in the program. Afterwards, questions about the program can be asked.
To participate in the event, please register via email at kontakt@tkg-info.de by June 8th at the latest.
More information on the program can be found hereExternal link.
Diversity Days
Announcement from May 2021
Friedrich Schiller University of Jena cordially invites all university members to join the diversity days during the week of May 18th to May 21st of 2021. This online event week is organized collaboratively with the diversity office de.
Round two of the online discussion "Collective Fairness! Implementing the New Mission Statement at the University of Jena"
Announcement from April 2021
Save the date
A second online discussion on the new mission statement of Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena will be held in English in order to specifically highlight ideas and concerns brought forward by our international students. The iscussion will take place on June 24th from 4pm to 5.30pm.
More information will follow shortly.
Online discussion "Collective Fairness! Implementing the New Mission Statement at the University of Jena"
Announcement from April 2021
Dear University Members,
Within the new framework of the mission statement process, the issue of " fairness" is currently undergoing development and refinement by various departments at our university. In addition to developing a web portal carrying the name of "collective fairness", the Vice President's Office for Young Academics and Equality is launching an anti-discrimination guideline based on the requirements of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG). Both equality and diversity representatives of the university and members of the staff council are involved in this process of creating an accompanying service agreement.
The parties involved in this process would like to invite you to join them in a panel discussion on the implementation of the new mission statement of Friedrich-Schiller-Univerisity which takes place on April 29th from 4pm to 5.30pm on Zoom.
We would like to welcome the following participants:
- Prof. Cantner, Vice President for Young Scientists and Equal Opportunities,
- Mrs. Glaser, representative of the Staff Council,
- Prof. Andreas Freytag, representative of the professorship,
- Ms. Steger, student representative,
- Representatives from the University of Cologne and the University of Siegen about their guideline process
- Blanka Weber, moderator
The discussion will be held in German.
Events 2020
Foundation of the new network "Female Scientists and Careers in Jena"
Campaign for more equal opportunities in science and academia
Announcement from December 9th, 2020
Promoting equal opportunities for female and male scientists is a concern of utmost importance to the German Research Foundation (DFG). In order to implement this goal at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, the association "Female Scientists and Careers in Jena" was recently founded. Its task is to bundle funds provided for research on equaity-related topics and initiate measurements required for equal oppotunities of female scientists in academia.
More information on this topic can be found here de.
"Anti-Feminism in the Context of Right-Wing Alliances and Discursive Shifts"
Information on events
Announcement from December 1st, 2020
Gender and sexuality are political battlegrounds where disputes concerning hegemony in society as a whole crystallize. As part of the struggle for discourse power and interpretive sovereignty, a broad alliance of the conservative to extreme right-wing political spectrum has formed in recent years, proclaiming their restrictive view on gender-related issues.
This lecture will first of all clarify what is meant by the term "antifeminism". Following this clarification, various actors and forms of modern antifeminism will be examined. Lecturer Tanja Gäbelein is a political scientist and freelance speaker from Berlin. She is a member of the network "Feminist Interventions and Perspectives against the (Extreme) Right" and focuses on antifeminism, the New and Christian Right, and the party "Alternative for Germany".
The lecture "Dangerously Connectable. Anti-Feminism in the Context of Right-Wing Alliances and Discursive Shifts" will take place online on December 9, 2020 at 6pm It can be accessed via the following linkExternal link.
This event is funded by the Equal Opportunities Office of the University of Jena.
Research colloquium on (un)equal gender relations
Information on events
Announcement from November 6th, 2020
This winter term 2020/21, the department of Qualitative Methods and Micro Sociology invites you to its weekly research colloquium: "Of East/West, of Bodies, Care, Violence and Refuge-Tracking (Un)Equal Gender Relation(s)" taking place on tuesdays from 6pm to 8pm on Zoom. These nine events in total promise interesting food for thought and lively discussions with various guest lecturers. Click here pdf, 690 kb · defor the complete program.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown, this event series will take place fully online on the platform Zoom. Please request the Zoom invite link via mail at one of these addresses: kristin.guertler@uni-jena.de, eva.tolasch@uni-jena.de.
"One cannot be a victim"
Information on events
Announcement from October 23rd, 2020.
Male violence against women is frequently considered "normal". But what about men who are victims themselves? This issue is largely dismissed in society. What are the consequences of societal ignorance of (sexual) violence against men? How can we address male victims' experiences? The online discussion organized by PROJEKT A4 takes up this contemporary issue on the occasion of International Men's Day 2020. We hereby invite you join this event on Friday, November 6th from 3pm to 5pm on Zoom.
Please register via mail at info@projekt-a4.de to receive the Zoom link to this event.
Lectures and seminars on gender and diversity-related topics
Information on events
Announcement from September 1st, 2020
The course catalogue for the upcoming winter term 2020/2021 at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena is now online. As always, a multitude of lectures and seminars discuss gender and diversity-related topics. We encourage you to take a look at the new course catalogue and discover our wide range of offers in this field of research.
Studies on structural disadvantages of women folowing the COVID-19 pandemic
Announcement from July 15th, 2020
Male dominance in society was and is clearly visible in the COVID-19 pandemic. While the issue of equality is often misunderstood as a luxury problem, it is in fact inextricably entangled with the causes of the crisis.
After alarming evidence of increased structural disadvantages of female scientists and other disadvantaged status groups intensifying with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic has become evident, studies on the matter now provide hard proof of these circumstances. You can find more information on this topic here de.
Rowena Morse Mentoring Program Announcement
Announcement of scholarships for female junior scientists and artists
Announcement from June 5th, 2020
The call for applications for the Rowena Morse Mentoring Program for female PhD students and postdocs at university is currently ongoing.The application deadline is August 16th of this year. Information on the program can also be found on the website of the Thuringian Competence Network for Gender Equality.
Moreover, interested female PhD students and postdocs have the opportunity to participate in a webinar on June 24th from 5pm to 6pm, in which the Rowena Morse Mentoring Program will be briefly presented and a participant of the program will report her experience. Afterwards participants will have the opportunity to ask questions. To register for the online event, interested parties can contact Sophie Reimer via email.
Reccomendation: online movie screening THE HELP in cooperation with the university auditorium cinema
Information on events
Announcement from May 7th, 2020
We would hereby like to recommend the movie screening of THE HELP organized by the university auditorium cinema. Due to the current COVID-19 lockdown, the screening has to take place in an online format.
We would like to thank the university auditorium cinema for this productive and successful cooperation.
International Women's Day 2020
Acknowledgement of all women for thier continued work
Announcement from March 8th, 2020
The history of International Women's Day began more than a century ago and is based on demonstrations for the right to vote. In the year 1975 it was institutionalized worldwide by the United Nations as "International Women's Day". This year, the German Trade Union Confederation is primarily calling for equal opportunities and pay equity in the workplace. These current topics are also part of our work at the Friedrich-Schiller-University-Jena.
On International Women's Day, in addition to all future-oriented concerns, it is also important for us to pause and acknowledge our achievements thus far. Therefore, we would like to thank all women at the Friedrich-Schiller-University for thier continued and inspiring work.
Your team from the Equal Opportunities Office
Events 2019
Central kick-off event of the newly elected Equal Opportunities Advisory Council on 12.11.2019.
Measures for the introduction and interconnection of equal opportunity work
Announcement from December 15th, 2019
The Equal Opportunity Advisory Council, which is composed of the decentralized equal opportunity officers elected in the faculties, is an elementary body of equal opportunity work at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. But which tasks await one in this honorary post in the Equal Opportunity Advisory Council and what visions guide thier work?
In order to answer these questions cooaboratively, the Equal Opportunity Officer Prof. Dr. Bärbel Kracke, together with her deputy Prof. Dr. Anke Hildebrandt initiated a kick-off event for the new three-year period of the Equal Opportunity Advisory Board on November 12, 2019. Likewise new to their posts as central equal opportunity representatives, they wanted to introduce themselves and provide participants with the opportunity to get to know one another. The event focused on presentations by Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf on the role of equal opportunity officers in generalbut also gave an in-depth look into the monitoring of appointment procedures. Furthermore, there was the opportunity for a lively exchange among the newly-elected. Prof. Dr. Kracke and Prof. Dr. Hildebrandt would like to thank all participants for this successful start into their new responsibilities at the Equal Opportunities Office and look forward to collaborating with the decentralized equal opportunity officers.