For all required forms and templates, please click here de.
Before the mobility
Declaration of Acceptance
- document in which candidates confirm the place allocated.
Request for leave of absence
- Please submit the original providing reasons for the leave of absence to the International Office.
- The International Office will approve it.
- Please submit the original to the Student Service Centre.
- Deadline: in accordance with the respective re-registration period
Learning Agreement
- defines the recognition and crediting of academic work done abroad.
- Deadline: Please sign the copy before mobility and submit it to the International Office.
During the mobility
Certificate of Arrival
- attests your arrival and enrolment at the hosting institution
Letter of Confirmation (just before the departure)
- In this letter, the host university must confirm the exact period of stay abroad.
- Deadline: The original must be submitted to the International Office by 31 July.
Learning Agreement (part 2)
- settles the changes and defines the recognition and crediting of academic work done abroad.
- Deadline: Please submit a complete and signed copy of the second part of the Learning Agreement (During Mobility) to the International Office within 4 weeks after your official enrolment at the host university.
After the mobility
Letter of Confirmation
- The original must be signed and submitted to the International Office.
- Deadline: up to 4 weeks after the end of the stay abroad
- 30 April for a mobility in the winter semester
- 31 July for a two-semester mobility or a mobility in the summer semester
Transcript of Records
- This is a certificate issued by the host university containing the academic achievements acquired abroad.
- Deadline: The original must be submitted to the International Office by 30 September
Student Report
- Deadline: The original must be submitted to the International Office in person or by e-mail by 30 September to outgoing@uni-jena.de.
Depending on the exchange programme, particular partner universities may require additional documents. In comparison to other bilateral exchange programmes, you should apply for both a place at a partner university and a scholarship at the same time. For more information on the scholarship, please visit thisExternal link website.
List of the universities for which additional documents are required
In addition to the general documents, candidates need to submit additional documents when applying for the places at the following universities:
- National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
- National Techniqual University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
- Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
- Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivsti National University
- The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- Saint Petersburg State University
- Russian State Hydrometeorological University
- Higher School of Economics (Moscow and St. Petersburg)
- Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk (SibFU)
- Pskov State University; ITMO University
- Ivane Javakhisvili Tbilisi State University
- Akaki Tsereteli State University Kutaisi
- ILIA State University
- Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University
- Hebrew University
- Ben Gurion University of the Negev
- Haifa University
Before the mobility
The following documents are required:
Learning Agreement
- defines the recognition and crediting of academic work done abroad.
- must be signed by the student and the person responsible for the recognition and crediting of academic work, and the host university.
- Deadline: the first part of the Learning Agreement (‘Before Mobility’) must be discussed with the home university and formulated before your departure.
- Please sign the copy before the mobility and submit it to the International Office.
- Save the original in case of any changes.
Work plan/research plan/research contract
- defines the recognition of research and work done abroad.
- must be signed by the host university as well as the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
- Deadline: the first part of the research plan (‘Before Mobility’) must be discussed with the home university and issued before your departure.
- Please sign the copy before the mobility and submit it to the International Office.
- Save the original in case of any changes.
Grant Agreement
- is an agreement between the student and the FSU Jena regarding the funding provided by the Erasmus+ programme.
- The original must be signed and submitted to the International Office.
- Deadline: before your departure
During the mobility
The following documents are required:
Learning Agreement (if any changes in the study programme occur)
- settles the changes and defines the recognition and crediting of academic work done abroad
- must be signed by the student, the person responsible for the recognition and crediting of academic work, and the host university
- Deadline: please submit a complete and signed copy of the second part of the Learning Agreement (During Mobility) to the International Office within 4 weeks after your official enrolment at the host university
Certificate of Arrival
- attests your arrival and enrolment at the host university
- The original must be signed and submitted to the International Office
- Deadline: within 4 weeks after your official enrolment at the host university
Final Report (for doctoral candidates only)
- Please ask the host university to fill in the form
- The original must be signed and submitted to the International Office
- Deadline: before the departure
After the mobility
The following documents are required:
EU Survey
- Please complete the EU survey online. You will receive an e-mail notification after the end of your stay abroad.