Environmentally and Security-Relevant Research

In the preamble of the University’s Constitution, it is stated that the members and affiliates of the University take account of their joint responsibility for the consequences and possible misuse of scientific findings in their research and teaching activities. While conducting their research, they are committed to the peaceful coexistence of people and the preservation of the natural foundations of life.

The Senate of Friedrich Schiller University Jena established the “Committee for Environmentally and Security-Relevant Research” (Kommission für sicherheits- und umweltrelevante Forschung, KSUF).

In addition, the Friedrich Schiller University is subject to the regulations of the export control, which regulates the access to military and dual use goods and technologies, when it comes to international research cooperations, business trips, exports of scientific equipment, the development of new technologies or the cooperation with international (guest) scientists. A compliance program and a steering group have been set up to ensure adherence to these rules.


Office of the Vice-President for Research