Vorbereiteter Workshopraum

Ernst Abbe Summer Academy

Vorbereiteter Workshopraum
Image: Bernd Teufel

Good teaching can be learned. Following this principle, teachers and tutors intensively familiarised themselves with the basics and fundamental questions of university teaching at the Ernst Abbe Summer Academy for University Didactics in 2018 and 2019. They were accompanied by experienced university didactics experts from the Service Agency 'LehreLernen'. This project was funded by the Ernst Abbe Foundation.

The aim was to enter into a concentrated work process together, far away from the daily work routine, and to bring back to Jena implementation strategies for teaching activities. This provided important impulses for the professionalization of teaching and thus for increasing the quality of teaching at Friedrich Schiller University of Jena. A special feature of the Ernst Abbe Summer Academy was its workshop character. The participants were able to work intensively in interdisciplinary groups on their questions and topics related to teaching and to apply the suggestions from the experts directly to their everyday teaching. The topics ranged from the basics of teaching and learning, to the targeted use of methods, to dealing with challenging situations in teaching, and to questions of testing and assessment.