'Naturally intelligent! Designing Teaching and Learning with AI
robot hand and human hand touch a brain
Dr Silke Braselmann: Presentation of the teaching concept 'Multimodal Take-Home Exams'
Welcome by the moderator Blanka WeberImage: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
speech by the State Secretary Casten FellerImage: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
Audience during a speechImage: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
teaching award ceremony to Dr. Stephanie Viebranz and Dr. Marco DederichsImage: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
Teaching prize ceremony to Dr. Silke BraselmannImage: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
presentation of the Teaching award winners Dr. Stephanie Viebranz and Dr. Marco DederichsImage: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
presentation by the Teaching award winner Dr. Silke BraselmannImage: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
poster presentation of a project of one ALe funding line by Dr. med. Caroline KlingnerImage: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
poster session during the DIES LEGENDI – Teaching DayImage: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
Keynote by Dr. Peter SaldenImage: Dr. Nora Möhrstädt
while one workshop by Dr. Anna FaustImage: Dr. Nora Möhrstädt
Participants during a workshopImage: Dr. Nora Möhrstädt
- 1_Programmplakat_ Dies Legendi 2023pdf, 1 mb · de
- Faltblatt_Dies Legendi 2023pdf, 2 mb · de
- Poster_2. Diskurstag Lehre_Beckpdf, 3 mb · de
- Poster_Akademisches Atelier_Haschlerpdf, 3 mb · de
- Poster_Bildungsungleichheiten_Tranpdf, 2 mb · de
- Poster_Entwicklung eines Sustainability-Zertifikats_Menter_Hüfner_Schollpdf, 1 mb · de
- Poster_Lehrkräfte(fort)bildung_Kämpfe_Volkmarpdf, 3 mb · de
- Poster_Klausurvorbereitungswochenende_Kröningpdf, 15 mb · de
- Poster_Naturpädagogik_Topapdf, 15 mb · de
- Poster_Online Examensmanager_Neubertpdf, 2 mb · de
- Poster_Podcast Lehrprojekt_Schäferpdf, 2 mb · de
- Poster_Python Learning Steps_Schwartzepdf, 2 mb · de
- Poster_RLC Jena e.V._Alipdf, 860 kb · de
- Poster_RLC Jena e.V._Alipdf, 860 kb · de
- Poster_ThinkI 2023_Mothespdf, 1 mb · de
- Poster_Zukunftswerkstatt POL_Klingner_Schallerpdf, 2 mb · de