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- Graduierten-Akademie
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Fürstengraben 27
07743 Jena
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- Ansprechpartner/in
Judith Malsam
- Veranstaltungssprache
- Englisch
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Wie lange dauert es, dein Promotionsthema vorzustellen? Eine Stunde, eine halbe Stunde oder doch nur eine Viertelstunde? Das ist uns alles zu lang! Es geht bestimmt auch in drei Minuten!
Die Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena ruft den "Three Minute Thesis®"-Wettbewerb aus! Dabei stellen Promovierende aller Fachrichtungen ihre Dissertation auf nur einer Folie und in nur drei Minuten vor. Zu gewinnen gibt es als Hauptpreis 100 Euro und die Chance, zum europäischen Wettbewerbsfinale der Coimbra Group Universitäten eingeladen zu werden.
Bei dem Wettbewerb kannst du lernen, dein Dissertationsthema kurz und knapp zu präsentieren und es einem Laienpublikum unterhaltsam und verständlich vorzustellen. Die Wettbewerbssprache ist Englisch.
Du willst dabei sein? Dann schau dir unseren "How to 3MT"-Guide an! Du kannst dich über dieses Formular hier für den Wettbewerb anmelden.
Der Wettbewerb wird am 26. Februar 2025 ab 19:00 Uhr in den Rosensälen stattfinden. Neben dem Hauptpreis, der durch eine Jury vergeben wird, gibt es auch einen Publikumspreis, über den die Zuhörer entscheiden werden.
Die "Three Minute Thesis®" ist ein international renommierter Wettbewerb, der weltweit an vielen Universitäten durchgeführt wird. Er wurde an der Universität Queensland in Australien im Jahr 2008 gestartet und dient seitdem als geschützte Marke für regelmäßige Wettbewerbe. Die Coimbra-Gruppe hat diesen Wettbewerb nach Europa gebracht. Die Universität Jena ist Mitglied in dieser Vereinigung der ältesten und renommiertesten Universitäten Europas und nimmt daher auch an dem Wettbewerb teil.
Zur Anmeldung
What is the 3MT® Competition?
The “Three Minute Thesis®” is an internationally renowned competition that is conducted at numerous universities throughout the world. It was invented in 2008 by the University of Queensland, Australia. It celebrates the exciting research conducted by doctoral candidates and cultivates their academic, presentation, and research communication skills. The competition supports their capacity to effectively explain their research in three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience.
The Coimbra Group has established this competition in Europe. As a member of this renowned university network, the University of Jena takes part in this competition. The winner from Jena will take part in the Europe-wide preliminary competition with their presentation. The three best participants can present their paper at this year's Three-Minute-Thesis Coimbra Final and win up to 3000 €.
What are the rules of the 3MT® Competition?
- Presentations are limited to 3 minutes maximum and competitors exceeding 3 minutes are disqualified.
- Presentations are to be spoken word (e.g. no poems, raps or songs).
- Presentations are considered to have commenced when a presenter starts their presentation through either movement or speech.
- A single static PowerPoint slide is permitted. No slide transitions, animations or movement) and is to be presented from the beginning of the oration.
- No additional electronic media (e.g. sound and video files) are permitted.
- No additional props (e.g. costumes, musical instruments, laboratory equipment) are permitted.
- The decision of the adjudicating panel is final.
What are the judging criteria of the 3MT® Competition?
- Comprehension and Content:
- Presentation provided clear background and significance to the research question.
- Presentation clearly described the research strategy/design and the results/findings of the research.
- Presentation clearly described the conclusions, outcomes and impact of the research.
- Engagement and Communication:
- The oration was delivered clearly, and the language was appropriate for a non-specialist audience.
- The PowerPoint slide was well-defined and enhanced the presentation.
- The presenter conveyed enthusiasm for their research and captured and maintained the audience’s attention.
- Comprehension and Content:
What do I need to know about my presentation?
- Please use a language appropriate for a non-specialist audience, to capture and maintain their attention. Avoid jargon and academic language.
- Explain concepts and people important to your research - you may know all about Professor X’s theories, but your audience may not.
- Imagine that you are explaining your research to a close friend or a fellow student from another field.
- RESULTS! The 3MT is about communicating research results, not mere research plans.
- Highlight the outcomes of your research.
- Avoid overstatements.
- Make your presentation easy for everyone to understand.
- Avoid trivialisation.
- Tell a story. Make your topic relatable.
- Palm cards and/or speech notes should not be used as they may detract from the delivery of the 3MT.
- Additional props (e.g. laser pointers, costumes, musical instruments, laboratory equipment) are not permitted.
- Poetry, rap and song lyrics are not permitted. However, you can include quotes from a poem or song if it is relevant to the presenter's thesis topic.
- No additional electronic media (e.g. sound and video files) are permitted.
- There is no stipulated dress requirement such as ‘smart casual’. Some have worn suits with ties, others t-shirts and jeans. Please wear whatever is comfortable for you. NO COSTUMES (including hats, masks, etc).
What do I need to know about my slide?
- One single static PowerPoint slide is permitted
- No slide transitions, animations or 'movement' of any description are allowed.
- The slide should be designed for 16:9 screen.
- The slide is to be presented from the beginning of the oration.
- It should be well-defined and complement your oration.
- In preparing the slide, remember that 'less is more' – text and complicated graphics can distract your audience – you want them to listen to you, not to read your slide.
- You do not have to put your name or dissertation title on the slide, as there will be an introductory slide with this information.
What can I expect from the 3MT® Competition of Friedrich Schiller University Jena?
- Only a maximum of 8 competitors can participate in the Finals.
- In order to advance to the Finals, you will need to attend the Pre-finals in person and give your presentation in front of a jury, which decides who moves on to the Finals.
- The Jury members are different for the Pre-Finals and Finals.
- The Pre-Finals take place one week before the Finals:
- Pre-Finals 2025: 19. February 2025, 17 – 19h at the Auditorium (“Haus zur Rosen” Johannisstraße 13, 07743 Jena)
- Finals 2025: 26. February 2025, 19 – 21h at the Großer Rosensaal (Fürstengraben 27, 07743 Jena)
- We will draw the order of presentation of all finalists, so no one, not even the competitors, will know the order in advance.
- You will get a monitor counting down your presentation time, so that you always see how much time is left.
- The finals will be professionally recorded on video, the pre-finals, however, will not be recorded.
- The winner of the university final will be expected to attend the European 3MT competition in person, should he or she be elected. We will publish all video recordings on our website after the event, unless you object to us doing so. Please inform us in advance, if you do not wish your video to be published.
- If the Jena winner should be elected to go to the European Finals, she/he will have the chance to win a substantial prize money (first, second, third place).
- As to the Winner of the finals: this recording will be submitted to the Coimbra Jury and will be basis to their decision on whom to elect as finalists to go to the European Finals in June.
- Competitors exceeding 3 minutes are disqualified.
- In the finals, you will be judged not only by the jury, but by the audience too – they will be asked to vote for their favourite presentation, so there is a chance for you to be winner of the hearts as well as the winner of the jury.
Where can I find examples of 3MT Videos?
- YouTube: There are many examples under the abbreviation 3MT
- On our homepage you can also find videos of previous competitions in Jena (2024: see below, 2023 en, 2022 en, 2020 en)
- On the official 3MT Webpage of the University of Queensland you can find many examples of competitions around the world: https://threeminutethesis.uq.edu.au/Externer Link
Beginn des Three-Minute-Thesis-WettbewerbsFoto: Norbert Krause
Das Publikum am Beginn des Three-Minute-Thesis-WettbewerbsFoto: Norbert Krause
Die Moderatorin des Three-Minute-Thesis-Wettbewerbs Anne DüngerFoto: Norbert Krause
Die Jury des Three-Minute-Thesis-WettbewerbsFoto: Norbert Krause
Der Beginn des Three-Minute-Thesis-WettbewerbsFoto: Norbert Krause
Die Teilnehmer der Three Minute ThesisFoto: Norbert Krause
Präsentation von Jisna Jose mit dem Titel "Guardians of the super mutant"Foto: Norbert Krause
Präsentation von Jisna Jose mit dem Titel "Guardians of the super mutant"Foto: Norbert Krause
Das Publikum während einer PräsentationFoto: Norbert Krause
Präsentation von Stella Synegianni mit dem Titel "Enlightment, science and the limits of freedom: Prometheus as a martyr in Greek Tragedy"Foto: Norbert Krause
Präsentation von Stella Synegianni mit dem Titel "Enlightment, science and the limits of freedom: Prometheus as a martyr in Greek Tragedy"Foto: Norbert Krause
Die Jury während einer PräsentationFoto: Norbert Krause