

Informationsvorträge am Nachmittag – Anmeldung nicht erforderlich

Im Rahmen von Informationsvorträgen bekommen Sie Einblicke in verschiedene Themen. Die Informationsvorträge finden parallel am Nachmittag von 14:00 bis 15:00 Uhr online statt. Es handelt sich um offene Angebote, d.h. Sie müssen sich dafür nicht anmelden. Die Zugangsdaten werden einen Tag vor der jeweiligen Veranstaltung auf der Website veröffentlicht.

Montag, 08. November (14-16 Uhr)

  • How to Build a Career Strategy as a Researcher

    How to Build a Career Strategy as a Researcher
    Dr. Anne Schreiter

    In order to get what you want in your career and life you first need to figure out what that is – or, if what you think you want is really the right fit. Dr. Anne Schreiter will share some ideas that help you to identify your values, transferable skills, and strengths. She will show you how you can use storytelling and networking tools to gain visibility – no matter if you want to pursue a career in academia or in other sectors. Finally, you will explore concrete examples of standard and out-of-the-box application strategies. There will be time for your questions as well.

    Dr. Anne Schreiter is Executive Director of the German Scholars Organization (GSO), an independent nonprofit in Berlin that advises, connects, promotes, and funds researchers who want to build a career in Germany.

Dienstag, 09. November (14-15 Uhr)​

  • Academic Careers in Germany: Positions, Career Paths, and Do's and Don'ts

    Academic Careers in Germany: Positions, Career Paths, and Do's and Don'ts
    Dr. Hanna Kauhaus

    Do you want to pursue an academic career after your PhD? Do you want to know about career opportunities and long-term positions in the German academic system?

    In this talk, you will learn about the different possibilities for long-term positions in academia. Since the main option in Germany is professorship, we will talk about routes to get there (i.e. research and teaching positions, junior research group leadership, Junior professorship and Tenure Track positions, and also habilitation or equivalent). You will get information on the requirements for a professorship, the selection process and advice on how to improve your career chances in academia.

    There will be room for any questions and for opinions and impressions from the subjects and disciplines of the participants.

    Dr. Hanna Kauhaus is administrative director of the Graduate Academy. One of her key activity is to improve work and career conditions for postdocs.

Mittwoch, 10. November (14-15 Uhr)​​

  • Funding Opportunities for your Postdoc Years

    Funding Opportunities for your Postdoc Years
    Melanie Eichler

    For institutions as a whole as well as for individual researchers, acquiring third party funding is getting more and more important. The presentation will give a short overview on the main sources of third party funding, especially on programmes for (early stage) postdocs. In addition, the advisory services offered by the Service Centre for Research and Transfer and a database on funding agencies and programmes, which offers free access to all members of University Jena, will be presented.

    Melanie Eichler is research consultant at the Service Center for Research and Transfer (SFT) / Division for Research Funding of the University Jena.

  • Career Perspectives for Doctoral Candidates in Jena

    We warmly invite doctoral candidates and postdocs of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena to join our online meeting.  We will tackle the following questions:

    • What are your options regarding financing and Residence Act (for non-EU-citizens)
    • What employment chances do you have in Jena?
    • How does the Jena employers’ landscape look like and which branches could be relevant for you?
    • Which channels can you use for your job search in Jena and who can support you on the way to employment?

    By Cornelia Meyerrose (Welcome Center Jena) and Dr. Alexander Schwarzkopf (Graduate Academy)

Donnerstag, 11. November (14-15 Uhr)​​

  • Lichtwerkstatt Makerspace: Your Idea and Prototyping Lab
    Aufbau in der Lichtwerkstatt
    Aufbau in der Lichtwerkstatt
    Foto: Lichtwerkstatt Jena

    Lichtwerkstatt Makerspace: Your Idea and Prototyping Lab
    David Zakoth

    If you want to bring your ideas to life and put them into practice, you should not miss the virtual tour of the Lichtwerkstatt MakerspaceExterner Link! In this short intro session we will do a virtual tour through the Makerspace. During the tour you will get an impression about how we can support you building your ideas.

    The Lichtwerkstatt Makerspace offers free access to a lot of different technologies like 3d printing, laser cutting, microcontrollers and many other tools that can help you to build your own prototype and materialize your ideas!

    David Zakoth is working in the field "Strategy, marketing and innovation research" at the Lichtwerkstatt Makerspace.

  • Writing Research Funding Proposals

    Writing Research Funding Proposals
    Dr. Hendrik Huthoff

    As a scientist in academia, writing research proposals will be a core activity that will ultimately determine your research success. Having written and reviewed grants for funders including the Wellcome Trust, The American Foundation for AIDS Research, The Carl Zeiss Foundation, The German Ministry for Research & Education and the German Research Foundation (including the Excellence Cluster "Balance of the Microverse"), Dr. Hendrik Huthoff will present common pitfalls to avoid and present effective strategies to make sure your proposals are ranked at the top.

    ! You can bring examples of your previous proposals if you wish to receive specific advice.

    Dr. Hendrik Huthoff is scientific manager and head of education of the Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC).

  • Karrierewege für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftler*innen

    Karrierewege für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftler*innen
    Dr. Anne Schreiter

    Während in den MINT-Fächern (außer-)akademische Karrierewege in der Regel vorgezeichnet und gut identifizierbar sind, fällt es Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftler*innen meist schwer, ihre Karriereoptionen außerhalb von Forschung und Lehre überhaupt zu erfassen. Im ersten Schritt des Vortrags werden daher Optionen und mögliche Karrieremodelle in verschiedenen Sektoren skizziert. Anschließend werden anhand der Bausteine einer Karrierestrategie konkrete Tools und Ideen vorgestellt, wie die Teilnehmenden ihren eigenen Karriereweg erschließen können.

    Dr. Anne Schreiter ist Geschäftsführerin der German Scholars Organization e.V. (GSO). Der unabhängige und gemeinnützige Verein berät, vernetzt und fördert Wissenschaftler*innen, die eine Karriere in Deutschland verfolgen möchten – in der Wissenschaft oder in anderen Sektoren.

Weitere Veranstaltungsformate

  • Workshop
    Foto: Jan-Peter Kasper (Universität Jena)

    Impulsworkshops-Angebote während der Career Days

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